Eudora welty short stories
Eudora welty short stories

eudora welty short stories

With One Time, One Place: Mississippi in the Depression: A Snapshot Album (1971), she collected 100 of her 1930s photographs. After a hiatus of lecturing and caring for her aging mother, Welty published two more novels: Losing Battles (1970) and the Pulitzer Prize–winning The Optimist’s Daughter (1972). In rapid succession she published A Curtain of Green and Other Stories (1941), The Robber Bridegroom (1942), The Wide Net and Other Stories (1943), Delta Wedding (1946), The Golden Apples (1949, a cycle of stories), The Ponder Heart (1955, a novella adapted for Broadway in 1956), and The Bride of the Innisfallen and Other Stories (1955). With Russell’s efforts, Welty’s work gained national attention.

eudora welty short stories

In 1940, Welty and Diarmuid Russell began a lifelong relationship as author and agent, as described in Author and Agent: Eudora Welty and Diarmuid Russell ( Kreyling 1991, cited under Correspondence). The stories won awards the photographs did not. The next year, 1937, she published seven more stories, had a second photograph exhibit, and saw six photographs published in Life magazine. That same month she exhibited forty-five photographs in a photographic gallery in New York City. Her first story, “Death of a Traveling Salesman” (1936), was accepted for publication in Manuscript, a little magazine in Ohio. Welty often resided in New York City for weeks at a time, however, and she had two extended stays in San Francisco, and also traveled to Europe and England for both long (four months and eight months) and short (three weeks) periods. She was born and lived most of her life in Jackson, Mississippi, and her home is now a national historical site, The Eudora Welty House and Garden, which includes a separate visitor and education center. Welty was the first living writer to have her work collected in the Library of America series, with Stories, Essays, and Memoir and Complete Novels (1998).

eudora welty short stories

2001) published more than forty short stories, five novels, a collection of essays and reviews, an autobiography, and two major books of photographs taken primarily in the 1930s and 1940s. During her lifetime, Eudora Alice Welty (b.

Eudora welty short stories